Training Your Cat to Stop Scratching

Cats are wonderful animals and many of us love having them around the home. There is nothing quite like the experience of having a loving cat by your side and it is something that you will come to appreciate more and more as the bond between the two of you grows. Unfortunately, there are also some issues that may occur when you have a cat in the home and one of those is their tendency to want to scratch the furniture.

If you have a cat that seems to have a knack for tearing up the furniture with their claws, there are some things you can do to get them to stop. It is going to take some time but with the right knowledge and some patience, you may just find that the issue disappears and never reappears again. Of course, this is a natural instinct for felines so it is not necessarily their fault when they are sharpening their claws on your new sofa. That being said, it is something that we would want to keep them from doing.

One thing that may just work, and it has worked well for many cat owners, is to use the art of distraction. It can be difficult to teach your cat stop scratching, because it is something that they naturally do. What you can do, however, is provide them with the opportunity to scratch in an area that is acceptable.

First of all, pay attention to when they seem to scratch, because most of them will show a noticeable pattern. For some, it is a matter of scratching right after they wake up from a nap but for others, it may occur shortly after you or your family members come home. Cats may also enjoy a specific surface to scratch, and that can give you some insight into the next step you need to take.

The next step is to buy a scratching post. There are many different types available, including some that are going to be very similar to the areas where your cat enjoys scratching. The closer you are able to mimic those areas with a scratching post, the more likely it is that your efforts are going to meet with success. Consider the size, fabric and surface area.

The next step is to put the post in an area where they tend to scratch. For example, if they like to scratch after waking up from a nap, be sure that the scratching post is nearby to their napping area. You may even want to buy a couple of scratching posts to have them available.

Finally, it is time for you to do a little behavior modification. When you catch your cat scratching on something they shouldn’t, you may need to make a loud noise, such as clapping or you might need to use a spray bottle full of water. At the same time, reward good behavior. It may take some time, but the rewards are awesome.

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