Teaching Your Cat to Stop Misbehaving

Having a cat in the home can be a very pleasant experience. It is something that we will treasure, as they become a part of our family. Of course, as any cat owner can tell you, having a feline is not always going to be the nicest experience possible. In fact, there are times when the cat may even misbehave and when that happens, it is time to take action.

If you have a cat that is displaying inappropriate behavior, there are a number of things you can do to turn the tide. Some of them are going to be positive for both you and the cat. At other times, however, there may be a need to show your displeasure in some way or another. Let’s take a look at a few of those options.

First of all, it is always going to be in the interest of both you and the cat for some positive training to take place. Some cats act out with bad behaver when they are bored and training them might just help to keep their attention. At the same time, you don’t want to over do it, thinking that you can train with your cat for hours on end. More than likely a few minutes, several times per day will be enough.

When you train your cat to do acceptable tricks, it can also help them to see what is not acceptable. Most of us will be very positing throughout the training process, giving rewards when rewards are appropriate. At the same time, any negative traits that show themselves during the training process should not be rewarded.

Sometimes, it needs to go beyond the positive factors associated with training a cat. We might need to actually address the negative behavior directly. This needs to be done in an appropriate way and we don’t ever want to overdo it to the point when we are causing the cat stress or harm.

If your cat is showing behavior that is considered natural for a feline, such as scratching the furniture, you might need to face this problem differently. Rather than punishing them for doing it, it might be possible to train them by giving them a distraction, such as a scratching post. It really can work wonders.

Finally, there may be times when some negative reinforcement might be the best way to go. It could be clapping our hands, whistling or perhaps using a spray bottle. These factors can quickly teach a cat that what they are doing is wrong and needs to be stopped.

The decision as to what to do in this regard is something that is personal. After considering everything involved, take the time to implement these factors in your household. It can really make a difference.

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